मुझे तो मरना ही था...
मैं यशोदा की वह बेटी
जिसे न नन्द बाबा ने बचाया न वासुदेव ने
दोनों पिता थे और दोनों ने मिलकर मारा मुझे
यह तो अच्छी बात नहीं
सोती रही यशोदा माता
उसे तो यह भी नहीं पता
उसने जना था बेटी या बेटा
बेटे की रक्षा के लिए मारी गई बेटी
बेटा जुग-जुग जिए
बेटा राज करे
कह कह कर मारी गई बेटी
कंस मामा ने तो बाद में मारा
उसके पहले हत्या की मेरी
मेरे पिता ने कंस मामा के हाथों में सोंप के
कंस मामा ने तो पत्थर पर पटका था केवल|
बेटी हूँ जानकर
गिडगिढ़ायी माँ देवकी
मरी मैं
बचा तुम्हारा बेटा
जगत की कही
मैं मरी और मरती रही तब से अब तक,
तब मरी कृषण के लिए
अब मरती हूँ किसी
मोहन,मुन्ना,दीपक के लिए
इन्हीं कुल दीपकों के लिए
बुझती रही मैं बार-बार
ताकि कुल रहे उजियार
जियें जागें गाती रही मैं
तब भी
मरती रही मैं...
क्यूंकि मैं बेटी थी तुम्हारी...
मुझे तो मरना ही था
तुम न मारते पिता तो कोई दुर्योधन मारता मुझे
सभा के बीच साडी खींच
मुझे तो मरना ही था|
मैं हारा नहीं हूँ...
"बेच जरुर दिया है किस्मत ने मुझे समय के हाथों,
पर मैं बेचारा नहीं हूँ|
मैं थक जरुर गया हूँ दोस्तों,
पर अभी तक हारा नहीं हूँ|
अकेला हूँ,तनहा हूँ,
पर तनहाइ से डरा नहीं हूँ|
मैं फिर उठ खड़ा हुआ हूँ दोस्तों,
जिंदा हूँ अभी तक मरा नहीं हूँ|"
"The main message behind these lines that the man should never think that he is betrayed by his fate.
Everybody should have faith in God and the day come when everything will be changed and right which he has longing for many times.the man has to live in hope with the faith in God or almighty only.This is the actual way of Living Life."
प्यार का पहला ख़त...
प्यार का पहला ख़त लिखने में वक्त तो लगता है
नये परिंदों को उड़ने में वक्त तो लगता है|
जिस्म की बात नहीं थी उन के दिल तक जाना था
लम्बी दूरी तय करने में वक्त तो लगता है|
गाँठ अगर लग जाये तो फिर रिश्ते हो या डोरी
लाख करे कोशिश खुलने में वक्त तो लगता है|
हमने इलाजे जख्में दिल तो ढूंढ लिया लेकिन
गहरे जख्मों को भरने में वक्त तो लगता है|
जिंदगी तुने...
जिंदगी तुने लहू लेके,दिया कुछ भी नहीं
तेरे दामन में मेरे वास्ते क्या कुछ भी नही
मेरे इन हाथों की चाहो तो तलाशी लेलो
मेरे हाथों में लकीरों के सिवा कुछ भी नही
हमने देखा है कई ऐसे खुदाओं को यहाँ
सामने जिनके वो सचमुच का खुदा कुछ भी नहीं
या खुदा अबके ये किस रंग में आई है बहार
जर्द ही जर्द है पेड़ों पे हरा कुछ भी नहीं
दिल भी इक जिद पे अड़ा है किसी बच्चे की तरह
या तो सब कुछ ही इसे चाहिए,या कुछ भी नहीं|
दुल्हों की सेल ...
ek baar hmaoM SaadI krnao ka #yaala Aayaa.
hmanao turnt jaakr ipta jaI kao batayaa.
ipta jaI nao Agalao idna hI¸
ibanaa dhoja ko SaadI ko ilae
AKbaar maoM [iSthar Cpvaayaa.
mahInao Bar tk Gar pr kao[- nahIM Aayaa.
tba ipta jaI nao ApnaI samasyaa
ek p`apTI- DIlar kao bata[-.
]sanao turnt ek trkIba sauJaa[-.
JaumarI tlaOyaa maoM dUlhaoM kI saola lagaI hO.
vahaM laD,ikyaaoM kI bahut lambaI laa[-na lagaI hO.
Aap turnt vahaM calao jaa[e.
jaOOsaI caahoM vaOsaI vaQaU pa[e.
ipta jaI baaolao
pr mauJao dhoja nahIM laonaa.
vaao baaolaa laD,kI tuma rK laonaa.
dhoja mauJao do donaa.
iptajaI kao ]sako baaola samaJa maoM Aa gae.
Agalao idna vaao hmaoM lao ko JaumarI tlaOyaa Aa gae.
hmanao saola kao iDfronT ka]nTraoM maoM baMTa payaa.
dsa prsaoMT iDsaka]MT.
baIsa prsaonT iDsaka]MT.
caalaIsa prsaoMT iDsaka]MT.
AssaI prsaoMT iDsaka]MT.
iptajaI nao hmaoM saaO prsaoMT iDsaka]MT vaalao¸
ka]nTr pr laakr ibazayaa.
ka]nTr @lak- baaolaa
Aapkao @yaa p`aoblama hO
iptajaI baaolao
hmaoM dhoja nahIM caaihe.
vaao baaolaa
laD,ko maoM KaoT bata[e.
iptajaI nao p`apTI- DIlar sao pUCa
Ba[- laD,ko maoM @yaa KaoT batayaa jaae.
p`apTI- DIlar AMgao`jaI ka ivaWana qaa.
laD,ko kao AaovarlaaoD batayaa jaae.
ka]nTr @lak- kI samaJa maoM
Aaovar laaoD ka matlaba nahIM Aayaa.
hmanao ]sao eTI prsaonT iDska]nT
vaalao ka]nTr pr laakr ibazayaa.
qaaooDI hI dor maoM¸
vahaM ek caalaIsa vaYaI-ya baalaa Aa[-.
iptajaI kao doK ko haOlao sao mauskra[-.
ifr p`apTI- DIlar sao baaolaI
[nakI eoja iktnaI hO.
jaao Aapko barabar maoM KDo, hOM.
p`apTI- DIlar baaolaa
maaSaa Allaah javaana hOM
idKto baD,o hOM
vaao baaolaI
tao ifr [nasao maorI baat calaa[e.
jara [naka roT mauJao bata[e.
p`apTI- DIlar nao iptajaI sao baat calaa[-.
iptajaI nao ]sao krarI krko DaMT iplaa[-.
]sako baad iptajaI hmaoM lao ko Baagao.
ek ikssaa doKa hmanao qaaoD,a Aagao.
laD,ko ko ipta
laD,kI ko ipta ka
vaa[vaa lao rho qao.
laD,kI ko ipta
psaInao psaInao hao rho qao.
jaba saaOdobaajaI kI baat Aa[-.
laD,ko ko ipta nao roT ilasT idKa[-.
laD,kI ko ipta baaolao
Aap roT bahut jyaada lagaa rho hOM.
vah baaolao
@yaa khto hao
ABaI tao baIsa prsaonT iDsaka]nT pr bata rho hOM.
laD,kI ko ipta baaolao
pr Aapka laD,ka tao bahut saIQaa saada hO.
javaaba imalaa
doiKe jaI.
hmaarI maSaIna nao ek hI pIsa banaayaa hO.
[sailae Aaovar Aala kaOsT kuC jyaada hO.
[tnaa saunato hI iptajaI kao caota Aayaa.
]nhaoMnao hmaoM naao iDska]nT vaalao
ka]nTr pr laakr ibazayaa.
qaaoD,I hI dor maoM hmaaro Baaga jaagao.
ek sajjana Aae Baagao Baagao.
]nhaoMnao hmaaro caaraoM Aaor ek ca@kr lagaayaa.
ifr iptajaI kI Aaor fosa Gaumaayaa.
baaolao iktnaa calaogaa.
iptajaI baaolao
yao tao AapkI baoTI pr iDponD krogaa.
ikfayat sao calaaegaI tao saalaaoM saala calaogaa.
vaao baaolao
Aapko laD,ko maoM eOsaI @yaa Kaisayat hO
jaao roT [tnaa jyaada bata rho hOM.
}pr sao naao iDsaka]nT ka baaoD- lagaa rho hOM.
iptajaI baaolao
maora laD,ka [-maana rKta hO.
jaao Aajakla kraoD,aoM maoM ibakta hO.
vaao baaolao
pr Aapka yah [-maanadar baoTa
Gar kI raoTI kOsao calaaegaa.
Kud BaUKa marogaa tao
maoorI baoTI kao @yaa iKlaaegaa.
Aap [sao yahaM sao lao jaa[e.
Pahlao [sao ikstaoM maoM
[-maana baocanaa isaKa[e.
ijasa idna
[sao ikstaoM maoM [-maana baocanaa Aa jaaegaa.
]sa idna
[sao [sasao BaI jyaada roT pr kao[- BaI lao jaaegaa.
iptajaI kao ]nako baaola samaJa maoM Aa gae.
Agalao idna vah hmaoM lao kr Gar pr Aa gae.
tba sao hmaaro iptajaI inarntr p`yaasa kr rho hOM.
hmaoM isaKanao hotu
Apnaa [-maana baocanao ka p`yaasa kr rho hOM.
hmaoM nahIM lagata
ik vaao idna kBaI Aaegaa.
ik ]naka [-maana ibak paegaa.
yah पगला
@vaaMra pOda huAa hO.
@vaaMra hI mar jaaegaa.
Unhe muskurana jo pasand tha humari bewkufiyoN pe,
To hum v jaan boojh kar bekufiyaaN karte gaye,
Fir ek din vo tanha akela chod gaye hume, keh ke,
ki "Taish" tum bewkufiyaaaN bahut kiya karte ho...
jab yaad karte hai kisi ko
wo waqt suhana hota hai
uth jati hai kalam likhne ko
wo pyar deewana hota hai
kar deti hai haal-e-dil bayaan
wo kalaam shayraana hota hai
jab yaad karte hai kisi ko
wo waqt suhana hota hai...
शादी के बाद...हास्य कविता
Miyan bibike kisse diNcharYa ke hisse ho gaYe thhe
Ek diN bibi ne pati ke baloN meiN haath phiraYa
Kismat kaa maara ek safed baal nazar aaya
Boli’ae ji’ aapNe kabhi nahiN batlaya
Safed baal aapke sar pe kabse lahraYa
Pati bole ‘shaadi ke pehle to sab kale thhe’
Ye baal humaari naujwaani ke matwaale thhe
GhaNto sheeshe ke saamNe khaDe rehte thhe
BaaloN ki styling meiN paDe rehte thhe
Shaadi kaa chhai mahiNe meiN ye aNjaam hai
Ek safed baal humaare sar par brijmaaN hai
Ek saal meiN kai aur nikal aaYenge
Baap baNne se pehle to hum gaNje ho jaaYenge
Meri baat maan lo.....ek hasya kavita
kis ki yaad mein ro rahe ho is bekadar?
jaroor koi tumahaara aziz ya dile-jigar raha hoga,
ya phir marhoom bibi ka ghum tumhe khaa raha hoga
shakhs bola, essi koi baat nahin hai,
wafaai aur zazbaat ki takraar nahin hai
hum ye baat sunkar chakraa gaye,
thode girre phir sambhalaa gaye
poochaa ,ye raaz humen bhee sunaayo
apni mashooka ka kissa to farmaaayo
ye meri bibi ke pehle pati ki kabr hai,
kon thaa,nahin mujhe iski koi khabr hai
zindaa hota aaj 'vo',to mein aazad hota,
na meraa husn-e-mahal is kadr barbaad hota
Al-Qaida ke kaidiyon se bhi buraa haal hai,
haath paer khulle par dil zakhmon se laal hai
ae mere hamdard aur saathiyon,kya tumhne ehsaas hai,
ke shaadi aur wafaai, is zamaane mein itihaas hai.
Jinki ho gai , vo pachhta rahen hain,
Jinki nahin hui, vo chakkra rahe hain
third wife aur fourth husband ka zamaana hai
her kids,my kids and our kids kya anjaana hai?
Apne ko pehchaan lo ,'living together' ko jaan lo,
Laila Majnoo ko bhoolkar , meri baat maan lo.
नल आज आया है,अब पता नही कब आएगा..
मंडप सजा था,फेरे होने को थे,
पंडितजी हवन की तैयारी कर रह थे|
कुछ लोग यहाँ खड़े थे,
कुछ लोग वहन विचर रहे थे|
वहन जो कोई आता
दूसरों के कान में कुछ कहकर
भाग जाता,सुनने वाला भी फिर
वहन नजर नहीं आता|
दुल्हन के माता-पिता,सगे सम्बन्धी सब
जब चले गये तो पंडित क्रुद्ध हुआ|
बोला-'सब लोग कहाँ चले गये?
फेरे होने को है,
मुहूर्त टला जा रहा है|'
इतने में एक आदमी ने पंडित के कान
में कुछ कहा और फिर वो भाग गया|
सुनते ही पंडित बढ़बढ़ाया ,बौखलाया,
फी जोर से चिलाया...
'मुझे पहले क्यूँ नही बताया की
नल कब आया?
इतने में दुल्हन ने गठ्जोड़े को मारा
झटका,उठाया मटका और
लगी नल की तरफ भागने|
दूल्हा दुखी होकर बोला,'हे प्राणेश्वरी|
विवाह की इस पवित्र बेला में,
तुम मुझे अकेला छोड़कर
कहाँ जा रही हो?
दुल्हन बोली-हे प्राणनाथ |
अपना विवाह तो घटे भर बाद भी
हो जायेगा पर
नल आज आया है,
अब पता नहीं कं आयगा||'
सपनो की डोली ...
सूना मन था ,पर खुश कितना खुद में.
अचानक आया लेकर कोई सपनों की बारात,
लगे सजाने डोली हम रातोंरात.
रिश्तों की डोर होने लगी थी मजबूत,
होने लगा दिल को खुशियों का अहसास,
लगाए बॅठ गए हम भी उनकी आस.
पलक झपकते आई ये कॅसी कयामत,
लॉट गयी बिन दुल्हन सपनों की बारात.
आंखे खुलते बन गया सब अफसाना,
टुट गया था वो शीशे का आशियाना.
झुठी थीं वो हर बातें,
झुठे थे वो सारे रिश्ते,
चले थे जिन्हें हम प्यार से सिंचने.
हकीकत हो मेरा सपनों से सुंदर,
भुले से भी न देखुं सपनों में वो मंजर.
Ek Taraf Se Doli Uthi
,Khushioun Aur Shehnaion Ke Sath
,Ek Taraf Se Arthi Uthi,
Gamo Aur Tanhaiyon Ke Sath,
Dono Takra Gaye,
Dekhne Wale Chakra Gaye,
Bheed Me Se Awaz Ayee
Ya Khuda Ye Kaisi Khudai Hai
Mehboob Ki Doli Dekhne
Yaar Ki Arthi Ayee Hai.
My Brother...
My Brother is the one who helps me up when i have fallen.
My brother is the one who is always saying no he cant be your boyfriend.
My brother is the one who sticks up for me.
My brother is the first one to fight for me.
My brother the one I love with all my heart.
My brother the strong one.
my brother is my everything
Thank you brother....
My brother
My brother is my keeper
My brother is my best friend
My brother is my pain
My brother is my hero
To take life
To have life
My brother did both
He is the source of all evil
The good in every evil
He lay down at let life fly
When he arise he wants to die
To take life to a new heights
My brother is my keeper
My brother is my best friend
My brother is my pain
My brother is my hero
He does things that hurt me so bad
That I wish he would die
He punishes me for the simplest thing
That’s when I turn mean
He tells on me to mother
When I do nothing at all
My brother is my keeper
My brother is my best friend
My brother is my pain
My brother is my hero
He is my best friend
My friend that would do anything for me
From taking a life
To giving CPR
Stand next to me from thick and thin
Until the end of our time
My brother is my keeper
My brother is my best friend
My brother is my pain
My brother is my hero
He is my keeper
My keeper that feeds me
That helps me make decisions
He is were my home is
He will take a bullet, or knife
To throat
He is my and all ways will be my keeper
My brother Lamont
My brother is my keeper
My brother is my best friend
My brother is my pain
My brother is my hero
Brother don’t leave me
I need you
Brother you cant be gone
Tell me you are here
Brother don’t leave me
No matter what
You will always stay with me
Brother I love you
You can’t disappear
Brother you are my Soul
Don’t turn away
Brother you are my heart
Don’t take it and rip
It apart
Brother I love with what I’m worth
Just trust me on this one
I love you with faith
My passion
My sisterly love
My over protectiveness has
Taken over again
You are my brother
The one that’s going away
I can’t let you go on your own
Want you to stay
My brother I love you
But do you Love me?
Can’t and won’t leave you
Behind my brother
I love you
My brother
No matter what
We do or go we will always
I will be your sister and you will always be my
तुम गीत हो घर के ..
तुम गीत हो घर के
और अनगिन काम दफ्तर के.
छांव मे हम रह सकें यूँ ही
धूप मे तुम रोज जलते हो
तुम हमें विश्वास देने को
दूर, कितनी दूर चलते हो
ओ पिता,
तुम दीप हो घर के
और सूरज चाँद अंबर के
तुम हमारे सब अभावों की
पूर्तियां करते रहे हंसकर
मुक्ति देते ही रहे हमको
स्वयं दुख के जाल मे फंसकर
ओ पिता,
तुम स्वर, नए स्वर के
नित नए संकल्प निर्झर के...
For My Loving Husband
You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,
You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,
You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,
You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.
What I Love About You
I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.
I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.
I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.
Gar Ijazat Ho To Yadon Main Bula Lou Tum Ko
Meri Ankhoon Sai Kabhi Utro Mere Dil Main,
Mai Dhadkan Main Basa Loon Tum Ko,
Jaan Sai Badh Kar Chahon Tumhain,
Apni Zindagi Hi Banna Loon Tum Ko,
Maray Khwabon Main Sirf Tum Hi Baso,
Apni Neendon Main Saja Loon Tum Ko,
Logon Ki Bhid Main Kho Na Jao Kahin,
Zamanay Sai Chura Loon Main Tum Ko,
Meri Tanhai Ko Zaroorat Hai Tumhari,
Gar Ijazat Ho To Yadon Main Bula Loon Tum Ko
Har desh ki ek sarhadd hoti hai
bache ki bhi ek jidd hote hai
aur kitna intzaar karru tere sms ka
Kanjosi ki bhi koi hadd hoti hai
kayi raaz aise hote hain jo dikhaye nahi jaate
kayi kisse aise hote hain jo sunaye nahi jaate
kayi dil aise hote hain jo tode nahi jaate
aur kuch aap jaise dost aise hote hain jo chodo nahi jaate.
Yaad karte hai tumhe tanhai mein,
dil dooba hai gamo ki gehrai mein,
hume mat dhoondna duniya ki bheer mein,
hum millenge tumhe tumhari parchaai mein…..
Humse door jayoge kaise,
Dil se hume bhulayoge kaise,
Hum to vo khusboo hain jo aapki saanso mein baste hain,
Khud apni saanson ko rok payo ge kaise
Har baar dil se yeh paigaam aaye
Zuban kholu to tera he naam aaye
Tum he kyon bhaye dil ko kya malum
Jab nazroo ke saamne haseen tmaam aaye
Mere Dil, Jiger, Kidney, Liver ho tum
waqt-bewaqt aaye vo fever ho tum
Doob kar jisme marr jayu vo River ho tum
Mere jeevan mein ab to forever ho tum…
Shaam hote hii ye Dil udaas hota hai
Toote khwaboo ke siwa kuch na pass hota hai
Tumahri yaad aise waqt bohat aati hai
Bandar jab koi aas-paas hota hai..
Kya aankhein hain aapki, kya baatein hain aapki..
us khuda ne kuch aisa aapko bnaya hai…
maano…”Shhhsss…KOI Hai” se bhoot nikal aaya hai….
Aap kya jaano hum kitna yaad karte hain
maano ya na maano har pal fariyaad karte hain
Roz khat likhte hain CARTOON NETWORK ko
aur aapko play karne ki farmaish karte hain….
Phool khilte rahein zindgi ki raah mein
hassi chamakti rahe aapki nigaah mein
kadam kadam par mile khushi ki bahaar aapko
dil deta hai yehi dua baar-baar aapko
Teri yaad mein humne kalam uthaayi
liya paper aur tasveer aapki banai
socha tha ki usko dil se laga kar rakhenge
magar vo to bacho ko draane ke kaam aayi…
Badi asaani se dil lgaaye jaate hain
par badi mushkil se waade nibhaye jaate hain
le jaati hai mohabbat un raaho par
jaha diye nahi dil jlaaye jaate hain.
Aap jaise log hume kuch khas lagte hai.
man mein har waqt hum ek aas rakte hai,
jaane kab aa jaye sms aapka
is liye cell ko dil ke pass rakte hai
Muskura do jara khuda ke vaste,
sama-e-mahefil mai rosni kam hai,
tum hamare nahi to kya gum hai,
hum tumhare to hain ye kya kam hai?
Chehre pe ashkon ki lakeer si ban gayi
Jo na chaaha tha vo takdeer si ban gayi
humne to chalaayi thi reet pe ungli
gaur se dekha to unki tasveer si ban gayia
Tere pyaar ki roshni aisi hai kay
har taraf ujaala nazar aata hai
sochta hon kay ghar ki bijli katwa doon
kambaqt bill bohat aata hai
jawaab teri shayari ka….
denge hum shayari mein….
naam tera likh baithe hain….
apne dil ki diary mein….
Tum hoti to aisa hota, tum hoti to waisa hota
Tum is baat pe itna hasti, tum uss baat pe itna khush hoti,
Tum is baat pe ye
kehti,tum uss baat pe wo kahati
shukar hai tum nahi ho!!!
Dil ki awaz bhi sun
mere fasaane pe na jaa
meri nazron ki taraf dekh
zamaane pe na jaa…
Haseeno ne haseen banke gunaaah kiya,
auro ko to theek hum ko bhi tabaah kiya,
pesh kiya jab ghazalon mein un ki bewafaii ko,
auro ne to theek unhone bhi waah waah kiya
Yeh jo haseeno ke baal hote hai,
ladkon ko fassane ke jaal hote hai,
na jaane kitno ke khoon piye honge inhone,
tabhi to inke honth laal hote hai
Aaj vo humse jannat mein takra gaye
Aaj vo humse jannat mein takra gaye
Aur humare dil se awaaz nikalii….
Fiteh Mooh…Tusin Ethe vii aa gaye !!!
Jaate hue kuch aisa kar ke jayo kaam
Jaate hue kuch aisa kar ke jayo kaam
ki har galli se awaaz aaye…”ABBA JAAN”…” ABBA JAAN”
Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain
Vo aaj bhi hume dekh kar muskurate hain
Yeh to unke bache hee kamine hain,
Jo Mamma-Mamma bulaate hain.
Apni surat ka kabhi to didaar de
tadap raha hu ab aur na intzaar de
Apni awaaz nahi sunani to mat suna
Kam se kam 1 Missed call hee maar de
Ae dil kissi ki yaad mein rona fazool hai
ye aansoo bade anmol hain inhe khona fazool hai
royo to unke liye
jo tum par nisaar hain
unke liye kya rona jinke aashiq hazaar hain
Teri aankain jhuki jhuki
tera chehra khila khila
jab tere chehre per haath ghumaya
to aadha kilo fair & lovely mila
Vo sochte honge usko aksar,
jo hamein unke salaam de jaati hai,
vo kya jaane unhein choone waali hawa bhi,
hamein unke saare paigaam de jaai hai!
PEPSI ka cr8 ho,
ANDE ka oml8 ho,
SMS KARNE ME bade le8 ho,
JALEBI ki tarah stra8 ho,
KHER jo bhi ho mere fevr8 ho…!
Phoolon se khoobsurat koi nahi.
Sagar se gahra koi nahi.
Pooja-paath se faldayak koi nahi
Ab aapki kya tarif karu…
Dosto me aap jaisa….Nalayak koi nahi!
Zindagi jaise ek saza si ho gayi hai,
gamm ke saagar me is kadar kho gayi hai,
tum kar do ek SMS yeh gujarish hai meri,
tumari SMS ki adat si ho gayi hai.
If U delete this message thats bcoz u love me.
If u save it thats bcoz u desire me
& if u ignore it thats bcoz u miss me.
So what u gonna do with It?
Tumko dekha to yeh khyaal aaya
Tumko dekha to yeh khyaal aaya
Ki Paaglo ke stock mein Naya Maal Aaya
Kaun sa gam hai jo yeh haal bana rakha hai
na to makeup hai, na baalon ko sajaa rakha hai
aur khama-kha chedti rehti hai yeh rukhsaaron ko
Tum ne zulfon ko bohut sar pe chada rakha hai
Dil ke dard ko dil torne
waala kya jaane
pyaar ke rivajo ko ye jmaana kya jaane
hoti hai kitni takleef kabar mein
upper se phool chadane waala kya jaane
Jis din se juda vo humse hue
is dil ne dharakna chor diya
hai chaand ka mooh bhi utra utra
taaro ne chamkna chod diya
Kon kehta hai dost ki tumse humari judaai hogi
yeh afwaah zroor kissi dushman ne udaayi hogi
shaan se rahenge tumahre dil mein hum
itne dino mein kuch to jagah bnayi hogi
Vo likhte hain humara naam mitti mein
aur mita dete hain, Unke liye ye khel hoga
magar hume to vo mitti mein mila dete hain…
Umeedo ki manji toot gayi
aankho se ashqo ki dhara beh gayi
are tumahri bhi kya izaat reh gayi
jab class ki larki
bhaiya keh gayi
Kabhi honsla bhi aazmaana chahiye
bure waqt mein muskurana chahiye
jab 10 dinon mein khujli na mite
to 11 ve din nahana chahiye
Arz kiya hai…..
Aaj-kal aapke SMS aana band hai
wah wah! wah wah!
Aaj-kal aapke SMS aana band hai
khafa ho humse ya balance kam hai?
ha ha ha ha……
Tammana se nahi tanhai se darte hain
pyaar se nahi ruswaai se darte hain
milne ki to bohat chahat hai
par milne ke baad judaai se darte hain
Dil todna humari aadat nahi
Dil hum kissi ka dukhate nahi
Bharosa rakhna meri wafaon pe
Dil mein bas kar hum kissi ko bhulate nahi
You r my sweet SONA
I don’t want u 2 KHONA
I want a place in your heart’s KONA
Otherwise i will start RONA
Atleast Good Morning to kar LONA
If you fall in river there is a boat
if you fall in well there is rope
but if you fall in love there is no hope
Yaad mein teri aanhe bharta hai koi,
har saans ke saath tujhe yaad karta hai koi,
maut to sachai hai aani hai,
lekin teri judaai mein har roz marta hai koi….!
Woh insaan hi kya jo tere hotel ke kharche utha na sakay……
mein chuka kar saare bill zinda rahoon khuda na kare…!!!
Sapno se dil lagane ki aadat nahi rahi,
har waqt muskurane ki aadat nahi rahi,
ye soch ke ki koi manaane nahi aayega,
ab hume rooth jaane ki aadat nahi rahi
jawani ke din chamkile ho gaye
aur husn ke tewar nukele ho gaye
hum izhaar karne me thore dhele ho gaye
aur un ke haath peele ho gaye
Jab Jab hume pyaas lagti hai
Unke aane ki aas lagti hai
unki dewangi mein hum ho gaye itne dewane
Ki har ladki ki maa apni saas lagti hai
loveable poem...
And need a friend,
And troubles seem like
They never end,
Just remember to keep the Faith,
And Love will be there to Light the Way.
Anytime you need a friend,
I will be here.
You'll never be alone again,
So don't you fear.
Even if you're miles away,
I'm by your side.
So don't you ever be lonely.
Love will make it alright.
When the shadows are closing in,
And your Spirit diminishing,
Just remember you're not alone,
And Love will be there,
To Guide you Home.
आदि की माँ...
The National Anthem of India
जन गण मन अधिनायक जय हे
भारत भाग्यविधाता
पंजाब सिन्धु गुजरात मराठा
द्राविड़ उत्कल बंगा
विन्ध्य हिमाचल यमुना गंगा
उच्छल जलधि तरंगा
तव शुभ नामे जागे
तव शुभ आशीष मांगे
गाहे तव जयगाथा
जन गण मंगलदायक जय हे
भारत भाग्यविधाता
जय हे, जय हे, जय हे
जय जय जय जय हे!
Jana gana mana adhi naayaka jaya hai!
Bhaarat bhaagya vidhaata
Punjab Sindh Gujarat Maraatha,
Dravid Utkala Bangaa.
Vindhya Himachala Yamuna Ganga,
Uchhala jaladhi taranga.
Tava shubh naame jaage,
Tava shubh aashish maage,
Gahe tava jaya-gaatha.
Jana-gana-mangaladayaka jaya hai!
Bharat bhagya vidhata.
Jaya hai! Jaya hai! Jaya hai!
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya hai!
kapil's feelings for his Love...
मैने तुझसे प्यार किया है इसमें मेरी खता नहीं कितना प्यार किया है तुझको इसका मुझे पता नहीं मैने तुझसे प्यार ... इक फूल चुना है मैने इतने बड़े चमन से इक सितारा चुरा लिया है इतने बड़े गगन से सारी दुनिया देखी मैने कोई मुझको जंचा नहीं तेरे आगे सर झुकता है क्यूं झुकता है पता नहीं कितना प्यार किया है तुझको ... महकी महकी बात करें हम कर्ज़ बहारों से ले लें अपने अपने ख्वाब बुनें हम यूं ही ख्यालों में खेलें तू मुझको अच्छी लगती है क्यों लगती है पता नहीं कितना प्यार किया है मुझको
Parent-Teacher Conference
my father made a scene.
He scared my fifth-grade teacher,
with his mask from Halloween.
She showed him all my science grades
and said she was concerned,
but he just stuck his tongue out
when my teacher’s back was turned.
He drew a monster on the board
and claimed it was her twin.
He even shook her soda,
which expolded on her chin.
My angry teacher crossed her arms
and said, “This meeting’s done!
I now see where he gets it from—
you act just like your son!”
Lovely Teacher...
eyes of periwinkle blue.
You are such a pretty creature,
and I’m so in love with you.
How I long for your attention,
so I’m acting like a fool.
Put me down for some detention,
just don’t send me home from school.
Oh, I’m filled with pain and sorrow,
for my teacher is so cute,
but she won’t be here tomorrow,
’cause she’s just a substitute.
Before I am dead!
waking up drenched in sweat
realizing it’s nothing but a nightmare
I get up to drink a glass of water
to drown the fear that woke me up!
sins I have done plenty
I do not know if the good I did is enough
to grant me a passage to heaven
or worse, born again as human;
never cared for what people thought,
never worried about those who left,
never a minute I spent crying over split milk,
what had to happen, had to happen!
what I was yesterday is what I am today,
yet people think I have changed, I wonder why!
I take life as it comes
no expectations and no demands!
with the guillotine waiting at every step,
uncertainty looms large over tomorrow,
I fear I need to live every moment
of today before I am dead!
A State of Mind
i have come a long way
to a distant place far far away
from where i used to live
and from what i used to do;
Life is a rosy dream,
happiness and joy aplenty,
everything that i wanted and
everything is as i had hoped for;
Everything is as i had hoped for,
everything is as i had longed for,
everything is except for the turmoil
that plagues me inside every day;
I sleep, i smile, i laugh, i play, i eat and i live
in a constant state of fear,
a fear that i did not ask for,
and one that i did not longed for;
killing me from inside,
silently screaming for it to stop,
i am devoured by my own inner self,
day in and day out;
haunting and taunting me,
time and time again,
they run helter and skelter
in the deep recess of my mind;
it’s just a state of mind,
i tell myself
hoping to erase these thoughts
of fear that hinges on the edge of my happiness;
Trapped inside my own mind,
eclipsed by my fear,
tears weep without a choice
hoping to vanquish (flood) this struggle within;
Holi Bhajans
Nandi kese khele anokhi holi sham ke
Nandi kese khele anokhi holi sham ke
Ya hari me kho gayi re mere payal pav ke
Avhi nayi gadahi mene bahutak dam ke
Nandi kese khele ..................
Dhum sahi na jaye sakhi re aado sham ke
Harmat laag jaye esse holi kaya kaam ke
Nandi kese khele ..................
Rese bahut hai buri sakhi re, gokul gavo ke
Rag dale chap lagaye, apne naam ke
Nandi kese khele ..................
Yah hari hai ajar amar, govardan dham ke
Mitre mandle khush rahi, sab har naye saal ke
Nandi kese khele ..................
Holi khelan aayo sham
Holi khelan aayo sham aaj is rag me bhori re
Kore kore kalash mage, va me keshar ghore re
Rag berage karo aaj kare te goro re
Holi khelan aayo sham ..............
Pas padose bulaye yahi, aagan me ghoro re
Pitambar levo chin aaye, pahirav dev chori re
Holi khelan aayo sham ..............
Hare bais ke basureya yaki tode marode re
Tare de de ya nachavo, apne aaro re
Holi khelan aayo sham ...............
Chand sakhi ke yahi vinte, kare nihore re
Haha khaye pare jab peya, tab yeh chodo re
Holi khelan aayo sham ...............
Ya ne esso chatak
Mere chunri me lag gaye daag re, ya ne esso chatak rag daalo
Aoran to holi naye khelo, ya ki mohe se lag gayi laag re
Ya ne esso chatak .................
Mohu to ketni varaj sundri, ye to mohe se khele faag re
Mere chunriya esse kori, par raseya ne esse bhore
Ab kese chutego ya ko daag re, ya ne esso chatak .................
Raseya ko nari banayo re
Raseya ko nari banayo re, raseya ko nari banayo re
Gaal gulal dugan me anjan, vedeh bhal lagayo re
Kati lehga gal mahi kanchuki, chunri shish aothavo re
Narayan kartari bajaye ke, pashu mati nekat nachavo re
Raseya ko nari banayo re ..................................
Hari khelan faag
Hari khelan faag, machi holi
Madh utre ritu fagun aayo, ghar ghar sham karat feri
Fhek gulal haat pichkari, kesar pit surag wali
Bharma khele mahadev khele, surpati khele var jori
Surdas chavi dekh magan bhaye, hari ke charan lage dori
Hari khelan faag ...................
Mohe chhedo na
Mohe chhedo na, O mohe chhedo na nand ke lala
Ki main hi brij bala, Nahi main radha teri
Kahe pakad li meri kalai, Teri duhai o krishna kanahi
Kahe pakad li meri kalai, Teri duhai krishna kanahi
Harzai too bansi wala, Ki main hoon brij bala
Nahi main radha teri, Mohe chhedo na nand ke lala..........
Radha se hogi teri chhichholi, Aankh micholi tum humjoli
Holi main yoon mujhe kyon rang dala, Ki main hoon brij bala
Nahi main radha teri, Mohe chhedo na nand ke lala.........
क्या गजब...
क्या गजब की फूल भी खिलते हैं खारों के बीच,
जी रहें हैं हम भी दोस्तों यारों के बीच|
एक दिन भूले से मैंने 'दिन'को दिन क्या कह दिया,
अपनों ने ही रख दिया गुनाहगारों के बीच|
क्या बताएं अब तुम्हें अपने नये घर का पता,
रह रहें हैं हम दहशत भरी दीवारों के बीच|
दोस्तों के दरमियाँ याद आये वो 'दुश्मन',
जहाँ महफूज़ थे हम उनकी तलवारों के बीच|
पहले टुकड़ों-टुकड़ों में बँटी यह जमीन,
और अब आसमान,
लगता है'खुदा भी बंट गया है,
इस मजहबी हकदारों के बीच|
क्या गजब की फूल भी.....................................
देखा नहीं किसी ने कभी
नींव की ईंट की तरह
भार साधे पूरे घर का अपने ऊपर
अडिंग खड़े रहे पिता
आये अपार भूकंप
चक्रवात अनगिन
गगन से गाज की तरह गिरती रही
विपदाओं में झुका नहीं पिता का ललाट
कभी बहन की फीस कम पड़ी
तो पिता ने शेव करवाना बंद रखा पूरे दो माह
कई बार तो मेरी मटरगश्तियों के लिए भी
पर पिता ने रख दिए मेरी जेब में कुछ रूपए
जो बाद में पता लगा
की लिए थे उन्होंने किसी से उधार
पिता कम बोलते थे या कहें
की लगभग नहीं बोलते थे
आज सोचता हूँ
उनके भीतर
इतना मचा रहता था घमासान
जिसे झुझते हुए
खर्च हो रही थी
उनके दिल की हर धड़कन
माँ को देखा हे हमने कई बार
पिता की छाती पर सिर धरे उसे अनकते हुए
माँ की उदास साँसों में
पिता की अतृप्त इच्छाओं का ज्वार
सिर पटकता कराहता था बेआवाज़
यह एक सहमत रहस्य था दोनों का
जिसे जाना मैंने पिता बनने के बाद
Forever My Love Will Be
just look inside your heart
and you'll know that I love you.
Every one has a destiny to find,
looking in your eyes I have found mine.
You're all I ever wanted,
you're all I'll ever need.
I will be yours always;
you will have my love for eternity
From His Love
Dreams Of Love
When my life had reason and rhyme.
I was so happy and in love...
God sent me a gentle 'dove'
He loved me so, more than anyone
I will ever again know.
The talks we had while lying in bed...
He gently caressed my face and head.
I could 'feel' the love without
A word being said...
I miss those times, those precious days
But no one can take the memories away
'My Angel' he will always be...
From now until eternity...
From His Wife...
Find a Place In Your Heart...
when I see your lovely smile.
The way you laugh and care for others
Even go beyond the extra mile.
I am focused on that
whether you believe me or not
My heart aches for you
And my stomach is in knots.
Now I had to declare,
The thoughts of my heart.
In hopes that you'd give me,
A place in your heart.
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,
He called it ... Dad
Some More Poetries
- शादी के बाद...हास्य कविता
- Meri baat maan lo.....ek hasya kavita
- नल आज आया है,अब पता नही कब आएगा..
- सपनो की डोली ...
- Ek Taraf Se Doli Uthi
- My Brother...
- तुम गीत हो घर के ..
- For My Loving Husband
- What I Love About You
- Gar Ijazat Ho To Yadon Main Bula Lou Tum Ko
- Har desh ki ek sarhadd hoti haibache ki bhi ek jid...